Mobile Learning Technologies and Assessment Methods



Metis videregående is an Upper Secondary School with about 500 students 16-19 years of age. The School is an independent school located in the centre of Bergen City on the -south-west coast of Norway:

Our location enables us to incorporate the University of Bergen, the new Media City and a variety of culture institutions and local companies.


Structure of Lessons

At Metis the lessons are organized differently to most schools. A student will, for the most part, only have one subject per day, so called ¨block days¨. This system allows you time to dig deeper into each subject.

Study programs

Sixth form represents the final 1-3 years of secondary education where students prepare for their A-level (or equivalent), aimed for further studies at university level.

Elite sports is aimed for students who dream to become elite athletes and successfully balance their academic studies with their sporting commitments.

Aimed for students who want a variation of practical, creative and academic studies, the Media & Communication subject gives the students competence in different areas within the media industry.

Sales and Services is a  vocational course  aimed for students who want to work with sales, information technology, tourism or start their own business. The final year the students can choose apprenticeship at a company or continue to study general academic subjects, which give them access to further education.

Information and Communications Technology (ICT) is a one year vocational course students can choose after finishing their first year at Upper Secondary School. Like all vocational courses – when finishing the 2nd year, they may choose apprenticeship at a company or continue to study general academic subjects, which give them access to further education.

General education courseis a one year course aimed for vocational students who have completed two years of vocational studies or completed their apprenticeship. This course focuses on general academic subjects, which give them access to further education.


Erasmus + (MOLTAM)

Johs Totland, the Principal is the leagal representative and Anbjørg Igland the coordinator of the project. The funding of the project includes three partners from each partner school. However at Metis we have involved four courses: chemistry, physics, English and Spanish. The teachers involved are Monica Amundsen, Anbjørg Igland, Kugarajh Kananayagam, William Hocking, Ann Kristin Skeide and Dr Amanda Naylor from the University of York. The classes have used iPads to create e-books and iMovies.

Read more about the project on Metis´web site: